
Loewe Bild X OLED – the thinnest TV in the world?

If you're a TV fan, these are exciting times indeed. The transition from cathode ray tubes to thinner screens was quite revolutionary, but the path of progress did not stop there. Now we are witnessing ultra-thin TVs, with exceptional image resolution and smart control. And the manufacturers don't stop there either. Some have decided to collaborate with well-known designers who have turned their televisions into real works of art. They did the same at Loewe.

The Loewe Bild X OLED is a fine example of how television can look absolutely stunning.

Together with the creative studio Bodo Sperlein, they presented their vision of the future of televisions at this year's IFA event in Berlin. With the new look comes new technologies and materials. This is also the case Bild X, as they used anodized metal in combination with marble. OLED panel, which are stripped of conventional electronic components, is incredible thin, as the goal was to create as much as possible flexible way of mounting on the wall, locker or on stand. That's what electronics are for transferred to a special unit, which can be placed in a cabinet. The TV is thus extremely light and you can easily place and move it. It is a completely innovative approach that will add more to smart TVs modularity. Touching on the looks for a second, we'd be lying if we said that the golden frame of the Bild X TV left us indifferent, wouldn't we?

The time is coming when TVs will also be a beautiful piece of furniture.

Gallery: Loewe Bild X OLED – the thinnest TV in the world?

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