
Lolita - black Barbie

Lolita - Black Barbie

Lolita is a real internet sensation these days. Like Khoudia Diop, she attracted attention on the one hand for her extremely dark complexion, and on the other for her striking resemblance to a Barbie doll. Followers on Instagram quickly nicknamed her the black Barbie, but she herself calls herself the black Hannah Montana.

Similar to 'Melanin Queen' Khoudio Diop, which is for its own sake crow of black skin became an online sensation, he is also following in her footsteps Lolita, an African-American woman who took on the nickname black Barbie.

READ MORE: Khoudia Diop: Instagram sensation with black skin, changing beauty ideals

Fans call her the dark-skinned Barbie.
Fans call her the dark-skinned Barbie.

Lolita is a model that makes a difference beauty standards, on Instagram but already has through 366 thousand followers. You can convince yourself of her beauty and extremely dark complexion in the photo gallery below.

Gallery – Lolita:

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