
The only survivor "Lone Survivor" - the premiere of the action biographical drama

Director Peter Berg introduced himself to a wider audience with two excellent films (The Kingdom and Hancock), which received many praises. Now he's back on the big screen with a true story based on the book by Marcus Luttrell and Patrick Robinson. It is about the action blockbuster Lone Survivor, which has earned more than 120 million dollars in American cinemas to date and was nominated for two Oscars.

Important information
Coliseum and Cineplexx cinemas
Facebook event
Entrance fee
from 4.25 to 6.55 euros

A tense story The only survivors, recorded after real events, tells the story of four members of an elite American unit who are ordered to find and capture in Afghanistan a dangerous Taliban leader. But the daring mission fails as the target turns out to be surrounded by many guards. In addition, the American soldiers are unable to establish contact with the command, so they decide to return, but the fateful decision heaps the fury of the enemies on their heads. In order to escape from their pursuers, they must use all their abilities combat and survival skills, to escape from deadly enemy territory.

He plays the main role in the movie Sole Survivors Mark Wahlberg, who was nominated for an Academy Award for his supporting role in the films Double play and Boxer. They play next to him Eric Bana (Munich), Taylor Kitsch (John Carter), Emile Hirsch (Milk) and Ben Foster (Pandorum).

The film story Sole Survivor was also based on the book Marcus Luttrell, a member of the elite SEALs, who in the second half of June 2005 went with his team on a mission to find one of the leaders of Al Qaeda Ahmad Shahd. During the mission, they encounter a tribe that lives in the mountains. Marcus and his team have no choice but to either stick to their rules of warfare or become prisoners themselves. They must fight for their lives alone in one of the most inhospitable parts of the world and face the previously unknown methods of modern warfare.

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Action biographical drama
The only survivors
(Lone Survivor, USA, 2013)
Direction: Peter Berg. They play: Mark Wahlberg, Taylor Kitsch, Emile Hirsch, Ben Foster, Eric Bana


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