
Lonely Planet: 10 countries to travel to in 2019

If you might be thinking about where to go in 2019, Lonely Planet has already selected 10 countries that it highly recommends visiting in the coming year.

Lonely Planet has revealed for 2019 the best countries to travel to in the coming year. We know that choosing a holiday destination is not always the easiest, so such a list can be quite handy. And which countries did they choose? That's how some of them ended up on the list quite popular destinations as well as those that us they are not known or we don't even think that we could spend a vacation right there. In any case, all countries are worth your visit. Wondering which country tops the list? Let's give you a hint: it's probably there now around 30 degrees Celsius.

Gallery – 10 top countries to travel to in 2019

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