
Lonely Portuguese houses take us to the sea in our minds

Secluded Portuguese houses

The series of photographs "Lonely Houses" is almost as old as the photographer "Sejkko", who has been capturing lonely Portuguese houses, houses and cottages in his photographic lens since he was a child.

Portuguese photographer Sejkko admired traditional Portuguese houses even as a small child, because the sight of them filled him with a sense of home, although the isolated houses often seem lost and sad. The latter calms him down and reminds him of his native Portugal, where it is not at all strange to find a house in the middle of nowhere with only a solitary palm tree and a bird or two as company. Sejkko used to take pictures with a camera, but today he uses his smartphone to take pictures of isolated houses, and prefers to share his photos on social networks Instagram.

READ MORE: Chinese houses that resist progress

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