
Long distance friendships are the strongest!

Is your friend moving to another place or even a country for work or love? If you think this is the end of your friendship, you are wrong. Distance is not an obstacle to true sincere friendships, because they are connected by a strong bond, which distance will only strengthen.

Far away there is someone you can rely on, call, write to and confide all your secrets to. Maybe you can tell him even more than the friends who are with you every day.

Here are 5 reasons why your long distance friendship is genuine and sincere.

They communicate often with eachother

He doesn't have to be by your side to know he's there for you. Thanks to today's technology, you can connect with him through social networks at any time of the day. You can talk in seconds, regardless of time and place. You know you are never alone.

They visit each other

Traveling is fun, especially when you visit a friend you haven't seen in a while. You will have the opportunity to chat, he will introduce you to different cultures, places. You will experience many adventures that you wouldn't otherwise have.

Learn cherish the time you spend with him

Meeting him is something unforgettable and special. Learn appreciate the time, which you spend with him and don't take him for granted. Use every moment to relive memories and write new ones.

His advice is unbiased

He will always give you unbiased advice, when you have problems at work, school, in love... Since he will not be directly involved, he will see things from a different point of view.

True friendship lasts, no matter the distance.
True friendship lasts regardless of distance.

You will argue less with him

They never create drama and unnecessary tension. They rarely argue, and when they do, they find ways to resolve misunderstandings together and quickly. Most of the time, a simple word is enough: sorry.

A long distance friendship that lasts is a telltale sign that this person will a part of your life forever.

If you overcome all weaknesses and communication barriers, you can be sure that you will be friends for a very long time and that distance will not break your hard-knit bonds.

"If one day you feel like crying, call me! I don't promise to make you laugh. But I can cry with you. If one day you want to run away, call me! I don't promise to beg you to 'Stop.' But I can run away with you. If one day you don't want to talk to anyone, call me! I promise to be by your side. And I promise to be very quiet. But if one day you call me and I don't answer, please hurry up and visit me! Maybe I need you.” – Author Unknown

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