
Long-distance relationship: a couple that defies the "black statistics" in an imaginative way

Half&Half: long-distance love through art

The rare long-distance relationship is doomed to success. At least this is how we can understand many studies that have shown that partners break up sooner or later. A long distance relationship can be very frustrating. And what to do when even Skype is no longer enough? A Korean couple currently in such a situation has come up with an ingenious way to connect with each other through art (a photo collage), successfully defying the "black statistics".

Also long distance connection can perform perfectly. The trick is that it just takes a little more effort, will and planning. The proof is a Korean couple who manage to do it despite the 14-hour difference. Danbi Shin, who is currently in New York, and Seok Lee, who is in Seoul, they keep their relationship alive with photos that they take at the same time during the video call and from which they then create collages.

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They titled the project "Half&Half" and as an artistic duo ShinLiArt they discover similarities between different lifestyles dictated by their current locations.

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