
Lotus Elise Cup 260: the most competitive Elise

Lotus Elise Cup 260: the most competitive Elise

Since its inception, Lotus has been known for its agility and low weight. We have known the Lotus Elise for quite some time and have seen it in many versions. But none of them have been as extreme as the Lotus Elise Cup 260. Only 30 examples will be made, but all of them are a feast for the eyes and an adrenaline shock for the senses.

Lotus Elise Cup 260 it is completely sports car, in which all aerodynamic accessories are still important. At 243 kilometers per hour they create a force equal to 180 kilograms, or as if a 180-kilogram weight were pressing on the car and pressing it to the ground. Since it was necessary to remove as much weight as possible, it is no wonder that most of the Elise is made from carbon fiber. The 1.8-liter engine is additionally fueled and has 250 horsepower. It may not sound like much, but if we look at the total weight, it is only 902 kilograms, we quickly realize that it's a damn good power-to-weight ratio. Hence the acceleration, which is from 0 to 100 km/h  only 4.2 seconds.

Don't expect any touch screens, virtual consoles or anything like that inside the Lotus Elise Cup 260. Spartan interior it offers only the essentials for the driver so that he can fully focus on whizzing down the runway. The gearbox, which has an open part under the gear lever and allows all techniques to be observed shifting during operation. The Lotus Elise Cup 260 will be available for around 70,000 euros, if of course there is one available.

Gallery - Lotus Elise Cup 260: the most competitive Elise

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