
Love Changes Everything: Proven Reasons Why We Fall In Love

Love Changes Everything: Proven Reasons Why We Fall In Love

When people fall in love, we like to say that we were lucky to find a soul mate. Is the game really just luck?

What makes someone fall in love with us? Although we often cannot explain, why we are attracted to someone, scientists can tell why humans fall in love. On the one hand, this is because social and cultural habits – we share the same values and experiences – second are the causes biological nature, linked to the reproductive role of man.

We don't fall in love with just anyone. Well, you know which ones they are reasons, that make us fall in love? Scientists' discoveries may surprise you!

Proven reasons why we fall in love…

1. It is more likely that someone will fall in love with you if you resemble her father or if you look like his mom. It can be eye color, hair, it can also be age. Children of young parents prefer to look for younger partners.

2. People tend to fall in love with someone who is similar to us in many ways. You are more likely to fall in love with a person if you share the same values and experiences, are equally attractive and are around the same age.

3. It is not for nothing that they say that a smile is the most beautiful jewelry. Research shows that people are attracted to positive people.

People are attracted to positive people.
People are attracted to positive people.

4. If you have an open body posture, you appear more approachable. This pose exudes confidence, strength and confidence. This makes you appear more enticing and attractive.

5. Smell also affects attractiveness. Women prefer the smell of a man with more testosterone during ovulation. Also, men love the smell of a woman in her most fertile phase of the menstrual cycle.

Smell also affects attractiveness.
Smell also affects attractiveness.

6. A person's height can also affect attractiveness, especially for men. But if women prefer taller men (a sense of security), men prefer shorter women.

7. It's easier to fall in love if you share adrenaline experiences, so maybe ditch the coffee and go on a wild activity.

8. If you live close to each other, you are more likely to fall in love, because the fact that you can be with each other faster counts for a lot.

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