
Suffering Love: Unmistakable Signs Your Partner MISSES Your Ex

Suffering Love: Unmistakable Signs Your Partner MISSES Your Ex

It's time to take off the rose-colored glasses and start looking at the world differently. Realistically. Maybe painful for you - these are clear signs that your partner MISSES his ex.

It's pretty easy to figure out in the movies you watch, if the person has not gotten over the ex-love. But real life wouldn't be interesting if it didn't persistently confront you with challenges - reality is often different, because you're human they close their eyes to the truth, they shy away and are afraid to take a step forward because they know they might be left alone. But loneliness is often better than a relationship in which you don't have a main, but a supporting role.

Being in love with a person who hasn't left their past behind is one of the more difficult things in a serious relationship. Sometimes people get into a relationship, before they heal the heart and they think that with the new person they will achieve enlightenment, according to which so they persistently yearn. And in this way, they make their love life even more difficult.

It's time to take off the rose-colored glasses and start looking at the world differently.
It's time to take off the rose-colored glasses and start looking at the world differently.

It's time to take off the rose-colored glasses and start looking at the world differently. Realistically. Maybe even painful for you.

Unmistakable signs that your partner MISSES their ex

He is involved in her life.

There are ex-partners who become friends and are active involved in each other's lives. There's nothing wrong with that, and you, as a reasonable partner, should understand that too. However! It's time to start looking at their relationship a bit more critically - you need to figure out if it's a gathering based solely on friendship or the hope that they'll get back together one day.

Watch the way he talks about her. If he treats her like he treats all his friends, there's probably nothing to worry about. If you see that he particularly enjoys her company, he wants to spend most of his time with her and he's upset if they're not together it could be a sign that they have problems.

He is involved in her life.
He is involved in her life.

He constantly compares you.

Probably the most painful feeling is when your partner compares you to a woman who is was once a part of his life. It is quite clear that it is possible for your partner to say her name by mistake now and then, say something about her and remember the past, but this is not "normal". if it becomes his habit.

If you were good enough for him, he would see you as a goddess, not someone who is not good enough. because he doesn't live up to the expectations he had created in his head because of his ex-girlfriend. You will forever be the second!

He is being dishonest with you.

It doesn't matter what type of relationship it is, a conversation can solve many a problem. And it's okay to talk to him about your feelings. When you notice that his behavior is suspicious, you will probably want to have a conversation from which you can read the signals that will tell you definitively, what is your destiny. If he avoids answers and wants to change the subject related to his ex-girlfriend, it is clear that he is not ready to talk openly about her, because he is probably hiding something, which is A HUGE obstacle to your successful relationship.

He is being dishonest with you.
He is being dishonest with you.

ADVICE: Even if thinking about your ex-girlfriend is kind of cheating, you have to understand that yes The above signs will not apply equally to every relationship. If your partner ended a previous relationship months ago, it is quite clear that he will be in his the heart always has room for a person, which was once a part of his life. It is quite possible that he is trying and loves you, but he cannot command his emotions. That's why it's important to talk, clear up disagreements and go your separate ways, if there is no other way.
Because you too deserve someone who will love you immensely and you will be the MOST IMPORTANT for him!

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