
Love horoscope for November 2022

Photo: envato

November will be a period of change for each sign - breaking up relationships, returning people from the past, fatal loves.

The month of November will be under the sign of Scorpio, but also the full moon and the eclipse on November 8.

How will this month affect love according to astrology?

Aries (love horoscope 2022)

Only the strongest survive this month! That's right - those couples who believe in their love survive. What is on shaky legs breaks under this strong and destructive energy of the scorpion.


This eclipse will completely confuse you and make you more nervous. Single or not, don't make any love decisions until November 15th. Then the energy will be better.



Changes are already happening to you when it comes to love. In November you will see everything more clearly and some masks will fall. It will be painful, but you will learn who is worthy of your love and who is not.


Love is a driving force for you. The eclipse will disrupt your plans a bit, but in the end you will know exactly if the person in front of you is the right one. If you are single, after November 18 you will have the opportunity to make a good relationship.



Don't think that the sun shines only for you! Your partner feels neglected and November is the time to show them your love. Change your behavior and give him quality time.

A virgin

Single virgins meet someone they won't be able to resist! After the eclipse, however, they will strengthen this love even more.



The eclipse brings you a profound emotional change. You will personally feel that you have reached an obstacle. If so, make radical decisions. If you are 100% sure of your partner, continue the relationship. If you have a shred of doubt, then don't.


You are inspired in love this month. Your senses are so sophisticated that you can almost read minds! Take advantage of this opportunity, whether you are single or in a relationship.



Until the middle of the month, your emotional situation will be tense. From November 20, things change and that's when singles meet a person with whom they can create a long-term relationship. After November 20, you will enjoy love!


The ghosts of the past are coming back to haunt you! Everything will be - drama, tears, promises, but also lies. All this will exhaust you a lot, especially health-wise. After the 20th it will be better, everything will calm down.



Slowly but steadily strengthen your oasis of love, the eclipse will not affect you. If you are single, a person from the past will return to your life.


The month of November requires you to make changes that are deep, sincere and clear. Don't be afraid! Climb that cloud and expect the unexpected! Love will become love!

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