Love alone is not enough. You have to do something more. Something that will bind you together on gray and dreary days.
If someone wants to be with you, they will be with you regardless of all the obstacles in the way.
If someone doesn't want to be with you, they're going to test you. He will explore how deep your feelings are for them. They will be together, but not a couple, because he does not want a deeper relationship. He will stock up on excuses like "it's not the right time yet", but in reality he doesn't care, he doesn't have any feelings for you.
It's never the right time until the right person is with you.
When you're with the right person, you never think about the right time. Only about how to include her in my life, because nothing else matters but the two of you.
Romance is something that is desirable in a relationship. But if they are also best friends, this is a predisposition for a happy and long-lasting partnership.
You don't lose yourself in love unless you want to. There is a kind of strange fear in people that tells them that they must constantly adapt to their partner. They forget about themselves and think that they can only be happy if their partner is happy. This fear is very much alive and eating away at them. If you are that kind of person, muster up the courage and decide if you want to continue the relationship in this way.
The best thing about a good relationship is not to lose yourself, but to become more confident, positive, honest than ever before. You feel that you can trust that you are who you are, that you are accepted as you are.
You become more sensitive. Because the child in you feels loved again, hidden emotions come to light, especially if you have suppressed them for a long time. You can trust again.
That only love is enough is not only wrong advice, but very bad advice. It should be replaced with "willingness is enough". Love is wonderful, but it doesn't mean commitment. The willingness to be in a relationship no matter what, to accept each other, to grow, to develop, to support each other - this is the essence of partnership, not just love.
It's interesting that nobody usually thinks of readiness when we talk about love and relationships.
Love won't come when you think it will.
Love won't look the way you thought it would.
You will feel love differently than you imagined you would.
Life removes people from your vicinity who are not good for you. It keeps or sends you those that are, even if you don't agree with it at first. Sometimes you don't really know what's good for you until you try to live it.
A true partner will respect himself enough to demand respect from you as well.
If you allow yourself to grow through your relationship through positive expectations, you will find that you will change into the person you always wanted to be.
You will know when that moment is when the person with whom you are meant to spend the rest of your life will come. It is forever built from a million tiny moments, so a good relationship is about appreciating what you have, not what you imagine it should be or wish it could be. You have to work on yourself, the two of you - every day, not just hope that tomorrow everything will be different.
You cannot summon a soul mate. A soulmate appears when you have given up on the thought that you will ever meet them, that they even exist. If you just sit around waiting for your soulmate, the perfect partner, to find you, you'll be waiting forever because there won't be one. Good relationships are consciously designed and built relationships based on trust, respect, mutual growth, adaptation.