
Love letter: My choice is you!

Photo: imdb

You can never choose how someone treats you, but you can choose how you treat the people in your life.

From the first time I met you, I had the feeling that you were someone who would change my life. Although in some ways it seemed impossible, you entered my life and stayed there.

You are the first person I want to treat right. I want to love you the way you deserve to be loved.

Thank you for accepting my flaws, and that you gave me a chance to love you.

I felt you were afraid to trust. And I promised myself that I would love you in such a way that you would learn to believe in love again and forget that you were ever hurt. I will never break your trust.

I'll love you like it's the first time, with a healthy mix of fear and excitement. I will love all sides of you - the good, the bad, the darkest corners of your being.

I want to know you to a depth that no one has ever dared to explore. I want to hear the story of every scar in your soul.

You and me. Photo: Jonathan Petit/Unsplash

I promised myself to listen to your silence, because then silence spoke more than a thousand words. I'll be with you, I'll be by your side. I want to see you through your eyes and soul.

You are my choice and I will accept you as a whole, made up of your strengths and dreams as well as your weaknesses, flaws and fears. And because of them, I will love you even more.

I will trust you because I know you are worthy of my trust. I want to believe everything you tell me. I believe in your promises. I trust you, even though I know that by trusting you I'm giving you the opportunity to hurt me. I believe you would never do it on purpose.

We didn't meet to complete you. No way. You are what you are. You are enough for yourself. I am content to be with you while you grow, because I am growing with you. I will always be your anchor if you ever feel like the world is trying to break you down.

I am ready to accept your changes, because change is part of growth. I promised myself that I would be your partner every step of the way - no matter the storm or the sun. I will always tell you what I think is best for you, even if it means that my opinion is different from yours.

You are my rock. I love you. Photo: Andrea Piacquadi / Pexels

I will always encourage you on the paths that I know you want to walk, because you are capable of doing and achieving anything. I will never limit you. I'll let you walk the path of life in your own way.

I want to be your favorite person at the end of the day just like you are mine.

They say that love is a matter of choice and every day I will choose to love- you. I will choose you over any person. I will choose you over arguments. I will not allow my ego and pride to come between us. You will always be important to me. I love you!

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