
Loving someone isn't just a feeling - it's a commitment

Photo: envato

Being committed to someone is not something you take lightly. It is not something that depends on your mood or current state of mind. Commitment means that you will stand by the person regardless of any external factor.

Being committed means more than just love. Commitment is much more than a label. It means that you never do anything by halves again, and that you give your all to make the relationship successful.

Commitment means being completely devoted and loyal to one person. This means that you are not looking for and weighing several other options. You are completely committed and your priority is this person and your relationship.

You will not cheat. You won't even think about kissing someone else or giving the other person false hope. You are committed to your partner and you make it abundantly clear to everyone, no matter who the other person is or where you are.

Love is part of you. Photo: Clay Banks / Unspalsh

Love doesn't scare you because you are with the person you want to spend the rest of your life with.

Commitment means you are willing to be open and show your vulnerability. Although you are used to keeping some things to yourself, you know that being committed means sharing the good and the bad. There is no judgment. There is no anger. Just honesty and a shoulder to cry on.

Commitment means you are willing to compromise. It means that you make all the decisions that affect your lives together. They learn that they each have their own and common path.

You realize that the decisions you make affect both of you and that it is important to find a middle ground. It won't always be pleasant, but in the long run you know the person is worth it.

Commitment also means accepting that neither of you is perfect. Everyone has their flaws. They accept each other, despite and because of these shortcomings. This is what makes them different and unique!

There is no obstacle to your love. Photo: Scott Broome/Unsplash

Commitment means knowing how to apologize when you're wrong, because you won't always agree.

If you're going to build a future with someone, it's important to understand that without all of these things, there is no future. This is what builds a good, stable, long-lasting relationship.

If you're not ready to do that, get out of the relationship, don't deceive the other person, but if you are, then start working on making the two of you as happy together as possible.

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