
The formula for happiness is in the year of birth: the three most blessed signs of the Chinese horoscope

Blessed Chinese Horoscope Signs

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Photo: Jefferson Gomes / Unsplash

Discover the three most blessed signs of the Chinese horoscope - they have a natural tendency for success, extreme luck and adapt easily to any situation!

Which ones are you? exceptional signs? Chinese Astrology it has a rich history and an important role in Chinese culture. Each individual has certain characteristics that are determined by the year of his birth and his zodiac sign.

Although it has each sign of its own unique quality, are three characters – dragon, rat and buffalo – recognized as the most blessed. The dragon is known for his charisma and leadership skills, which lead him to the top in the business world. Being the most blessed sign, the Rat has a unique charm that helps it achieve its goals. Buffaloes are loyal and reliable and have great success in personal relationships.


Born: 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012

Dragons are known for their charisma and leadership skills. They are extremely intelligent, hardworking and always looking for ways to achieve their goals. Their warrior spirit and idealism lead them to seek new challenges and take on leadership roles. Their magnetism and charming personality make them admire others and love to spend time with them.

Blessed signs. Photo: Julia Avamotive / Pexels

In the business world, dragons often occupy leadership positions, such as CEOs or managers. They have the ability to guide their teams to success. In addition, dragons demonstrate the ability to motivate colleagues and encourage them to excel. Although the dragon can sometimes be a demanding colleague or partner, his strong personality and charm quickly adapt to new situations and environments.

A rat

Born: 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020
Astrologers consider the rat to be the most blessed sign, as those born in the year of the rat are often extremely successful and can boast of a unique charm that helps them achieve their goals. They are very open and sociable, which allows them to easily adapt to different circumstances. They often focus their energy on multi-tasking and rarely waste time.

Rats are also perfectionists who never leave anything unfinished, which further contributes to their success.

Their special strength is reflected in areas such as mathematics, music, planning, management and art. In these areas, they can be extremely successful and achieve great success.

Despite their success and charm, rats are not without flaws. Sometimes they can be too manipulative and take advantage of people to achieve their goals. They can also be too perfectionistic and obsess over the little things, which can cause them stress and negatively affect their health.

Happiness is in you. Photo: Quang Anh Ha Nguyen / Pexels


Born: 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021
Buffaloes are known for their precision and diligence. Their main quality is patience. They don't shy away from hard work, even if it's extremely demanding, and they don't give up at the first challenge.

Buffaloes are loyal and determined, so they always support their friends and colleagues and successfully lead them to their goals. Thus, their success spreads to the people around them.

Buffaloes are valued for their reliability, which is why others like to trust them. Because of this, they have a lot of success in interpersonal relationships.

Buffaloes are not naturally inclined to leadership roles and often do not concentrate power in their hands, but they have all the necessary qualities to become outstanding leaders if given the opportunity.

In Chinese astrology, Dragon, Rat and Buffalo are considered the luckiest of signs. Of course, happiness can vary from individual to individual, as it depends on many factors, not only the zodiac sign. Nevertheless, these signs can offer some insight into how individual traits and characteristics can affect an individual's happiness and success.

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