
Lucy Hilmer - the woman who photographed herself in her birthday suit every year for 40 years

Lucy Hilmer is a photographer who will turn 70 next year. On her 29th birthday in 1974, she was photographed for the first time in only her underpants and has done so every year until this year. In the forty intimate photos of "Birthday Suits", we can follow the changes of her naked female body over the decades.

American photographer Lucy Hilmer has been recording the changing of her female body over time through a photographic lens for the past forty years. It's all done started on April 22, 1974, when it's on his 29th birthday took her first photo on the day she was wearing nothing but Lollipop panties, socks and shoes. For the next forty years, she recorded every year on her birthday nude photo, which she united under the name this year "Birthday Suits".

#35 Lucy with her husband on her 35th birthday.
#35 Lucy with her husband on her 35th birthday.

The nude black and white photos, in which she is sometimes joined by another family member, move us mainly because the changing of the female body over the years is shown in an intimate way. No Photoshop, with all the wrinkles and fat pads and even while breastfeeding. With photos in which it is shown in all its vulnerability and openness, Lucy Hilmer succeeded in achieving her original purpose. In a society where, as a twenty-nine-year-old, she was given labels such as "pretty girl" and "could become a model", she wanted to present herself in her own terms and define herself in her own way. Thus, instead of the exterior, her photographs show her interior despite her nudity.

READ MORE: Gentle portraits of mothers with one-day-old newborns

A photographer who will turned 70 next year, is preparing under the title "Birthday Suits" as well book and movie, and all photos from this series can be found on her website.

View a selection of photos of Lucy Hilmer's "Birthday suits" nude photos in our photo gallery!

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More information: lucyhilmer.com

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