
Lunatic - Taktik 360 and Acquatic cases are the best and thinnest protective cases for iPhone 6 and 6 Plus

If your iPhone serves as a tool, then you know that it does not say anything good in "Adam's costume". We don't mean to drive nails with it, but many people have a profession/hobby that doesn't offer them the most gentle conditions. Lunatik cases have always been the best insurance policy for the iPhone, and the Aquatic and Taktik 360 for the iPhone 6 (and 6 Plus) are no different. Don't worry, iPhones, Lunatik has your soft "back".

Protective cover A lunatic Aquatics and Tactic 360 despite the extraordinary thinness and "lightness", they mean the highest, almost absolute protection iPhone 6 and 6 Plus from shocks, drops, screen damage and "backbones", dust and water. The phone becomes local indestructible and suitable for all shapes high-octane lifestyle, be it because of a profession or leisure activities.

The Taktik 360 model is slightly more "arranged" than waterproof Aquatic, which holds water up to one hour in a depth of up to two meters, but if you remember those tough Ericssons with the shark's dorsal fin on the forehead, then you will be surprised how much unobtrusive is this protection that so maintains an elegant appearance phone, but offers military protection.

READ MORE: Not to blame myself! Wooden cases for iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 plus

Both are currently still raising funds on Indiegogo, but given that they are pre-orders for Taktik 360 already sold out (how not) and the limit is reached, you can already expect the first shipments in the first quarter of 2015.

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