
PUPPET CLUB (leader: M.Kunšič), puppet creative workshop for children (and parents) from 3 years of age, 60 minutes

V imenu lutkovnega kluba se skrivajo lutkovne delavnice za starše in njihove malčke, ki po ogledu sobotne dopoldanske predstave skupaj izdelajo enostavno lutko, ki je tematsko vezana na predstavo. Ob tem spoznavajo različne tehnike lutk, igralski poklic, obdelavo zanje nenavadnih materialov ter ...

Important information
Lobby of the LGL Grand Stage, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
2 €

The name of the puppet club hides puppet workshops for parents and their little ones, who, after watching the Saturday morning performance, together make a simple puppet that is thematically related to the performance. At the same time, they learn about different puppet techniques, the acting profession, the processing of unusual materials and, last but not least, puppet animation.

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