
LVL – the first bracelet that measures the level of (de)hydration of the body

Bracelet Lvl

If we are properly hydrated, we feel better, think better, look better and are generally healthier. LVL isn't just another activity tracker because it measures what no other tracker measures, even though it's a key component of a healthy life – hydration levels. But he doesn't just measure, he also advises. The smart bracelet gives out the exact amount of water that we need to consume at a given moment in order to function at our best throughout the day. Also, this semi-medical but fashionable device measures heart rate, sleep quality, counts calories, monitors the owner's activities and mood. Based on the collected information, he advises how proper hydration can help us function better.

An adult a person loses an average of 2.5 to 4 liters of water per day. No matter how aware we are about body hydration, we are all dehydrated at least once during the day. This has consequences, because insufficient hydration affects our physical abilities, our mood, our sleep... Body water level meter LVL it tells you exactly how much water you need at any given time to meet your body's water needs.

Water is the most vital resource.
Water is the most vital resource.

He's showing off with the most advanced sensor that penetrates ten times deeper like the 'green' sensors of activity meters, which is why its measurements are so much more accurate.

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I should be up first thing in the morning Glass of water. If you adopt this habit, you may find that you don't need as much coffee to function. You definitely won't be that hungry, though water prevents overeating. It's hydration the key to well-being. A reduction of only one to two percent body fluids can significantly reduce us psychophysical abilities. From this point of view, we have a rather stepmotherly attitude towards our bodies, as only a few people manage proper body hydration. With the LVL bracelet, that will change. You can have your own 180 euros provide on a crowdfunding platform Kickstarter.

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