
Rilis the lynx

With the release of various remixes on both foreign and domestic compilations of the Roots In Session collective, we can expect a great party in the Ljubljana hangarnica Brooklyn. Pier and Fu, this time in connection with the Canadian label Interchill, which will release the compilation Depth Charge at the end of March, contributed the reggae roots piece No War. ...

Important information
Brooklyn, Nazorjeva 6, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
Entry is free.

With the release of various remixes on both foreign and domestic compilations of the collective Roots In Session promises us a great party at the Brooklyn hangar in Ljubljana. Pier and Fu, this time in connection with the Canadian label Interchill, which will release the compilation Depth Charge at the end of March, contributed the reggae roots piece No War. On the Slovenian compilation Val 202 Ujame Vse, they will release RIS sound in collaboration with the Ljubljana vocalist Alexandra Ilijevski. She will also present herself to us live in Brooklyn. We'll hear the song Always this way live, and the team is sure to prepare some more musical sweets for us. All this and much more awaits us in the second half of March. It is right to welcome spring with good music. 

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