
Lyrical – Bizarre – Ambiguous: European Mannerist Printmaking

The exhibition of European Mannerist graphics presents a series of superb art exhibits from the mature 16th and early 17th centuries. Mannerism, an unusual period between the late Renaissance and High Baroque, replaced order and harmony with unrest and anxiety, balanced proportions gave way to perspective and anatomical...

Important information
NMS - Metelkova, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
According to the price list

The exhibition of European Mannerist graphics presents a series of superb art exhibits from the mature 16th and early 17th centuries. Mannerism, an unusual period between the late Renaissance and High Baroque, exchanged order and harmony for unrest and anxiety, balanced proportions giving way to perspective and anatomical deformations. The creators consciously rejected the external world of perceptible forms and took inspiration from the realm of inner ideas - the source of decadent views of beauty, reflected in refined elegance, ingenuity and grace.
The graphic cabinet of the National Museum of Slovenia houses an extensive collection of Mannerist prints from the leading cultural centers of the time – Rome, Venice, Antwerp, Haarlem, Prague, Munich... The virtuoso works of the greatest protagonists of this bizarre style are mostly being presented in Slovenia for the first time.

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