
Makalonca: The legend of the city center is back in a new guise and content


Ljubljana's good old Makalonca is back. But this time in a modern urban guise. The new owners respected Plečnik's architectural heritage and therefore avoided aggressive interventions when renovating the bar, which many people have nostalgic memories of. The space is therefore in itself still a presentation of his work, while at the same time offering enough comfort to quickly become our favorite corner of the city again.

Basic information
Hribarjevo nabrežje 19
Mon - Sun: 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 a.m

Makalonka's story is based on an almost fifty-year tradition of activity Makalonca and the origin of the word Makalonca. Makalonca is a queen from a folk tale with a happy ending, written by Finžgar. Legend has it that the two villagers are in love but fatally separated Makalonca and Prince Petrus overcame many obstacles before they found each other again and then lived happily ever after.


Makalonca it is intergenerational junction, where everyone who wants a pleasant experience in a unique location by the river is welcome. Makalonca is a symbol of the city center and, in fact, the only place in the strict center of the city where locals and tourists can come into contact with Ljubljanica. It is a unique place where something is always happening, but at the same time everyone can find their own peace with the freshness of the river water.

Unique location by the river
Unique location by the river

V Macalonians in the morning they serve delicious and a healthy breakfast, prepared from fresh ingredients from the Slovenian countryside, and in the evening they pamper wide range of beers, refreshing cocktails and from July also with juicy burgers. In Makalonca, they bet on positive vibes and also provide an exciting entertainment program that further enriches hanging out with friends over drinks and snacks.

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