
Macintosh Phone or what the iPhone would have looked like if it had been created in 1987

Macintosh Phone

Designer Pierre Cerveau imagined what Apple's flagship product would look like if it were sent to the market 20 years before the release of the first iPhone. Part of the design of the Macintosh Phone, in which the author drew inspiration from the Macintosh personal computer, is somehow a rotating dial, once an indispensable part of phones, which here also allows scrolling on the screen, which is the same as that of the first iPods.

If iPhone came out in 1987, according to the designer, would Pierre Cerveau under the name Macintosh Phone looked like this. Like a mix of Macintosh, iPod screen and analog telephone with a rotary dial, which, in addition to making calls, also serves to move around the screen.

READ MORE: This is the most brilliant iPhone 7 concept yet

If I had an iPhone I lived in the eighties.
If I had an iPhone I lived in the eighties.

Useful? It would be hard to say, but with him you would definitely be the coolest hipster on the planet. It's a shame because it is just a concept.

The "great-grandfather" of the iPhone
The "great-grandfather" of the iPhone

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