
Magic tricks for naturally beautiful eyelashes

Photo: Israel/Pexels

Naturally long and thick eyelashes emphasize the beauty of the eyes. There are simple steps you can take to improve their appearance without expensive treatments or artificial extensions.

With a few simple steps and a little extra care, any woman can improve the appearance of her eyelashes. Cleansing, correct selection and use of mascara and regular use of natural oils are key to maintaining healthy and beautiful eyelashes. This way you will emphasize your eyes in a natural and gentle way, without unnecessary chemicals and of treatments.

Cleansing: The first step to healthy eyelashes

Proper eyelash cleaning is the foundation of their health. Daily make-up removal is essential, as the remains of mascara and other products can lead to breakage and loss of eyelashes. It is recommended to use gentle make-up removers that do not contain alcohol or fragrance. After removing make-up, it is a good idea to gently clean the eyelashes with water to remove all traces of the cleaning agent.

Naturally long and thick emphasize the beauty of the eyes. Photo: Pixabay/Pexels

Mascara: Choose the right one

Choosing the right one mascara is key. Mascaras that promise volume and dramatic effect are often thicker and heavier, which can weigh down lashes and damage them over time. Choose for a natural look a mascara designed to lengthen and separate eyelashes. When applying mascara, be careful not to apply too many layers, as this can stick the lashes together and cause them to break.

Applying Mascara: Technique is important

Mascara application technique can greatly affect the final look. Start at the root of the lashes and mascara pull slowly towards the ends. Small zigzag movements help to separate lashes and prevent clumping. Apply a second coat only if absolutely necessary and focus on the tips of the lashes for added volume.

Apply mascara correctly to the eyelashes. Photo: Shiny/Pexels

Natural oils: Your allies

Natural oils, such as castor, coconut or almond oil, are excellent for eyelash care. Apply them in the evening with a clean eyelash brush or cotton swab. These oils not only promote growth, but also moisturize and strengthen lashes.

What harms eyelashes: Mistakes to avoid

A common mistake is to rub the eyes, which can cause them breakage and shedding. Also, avoid using waterproof mascara every day, as it is more difficult to remove and can damage your lashes. Also, be careful when using pliers to curl eyelashesc; if you use them too aggressively or on top of mascara, you can weaken the lashes or even pull them out.

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