
THE MAGICAL POWER OF WOMEN - free exercise demo

The Magical Power of Women training is intended for women who are ready to put themselves first and who want to develop a responsible attitude towards themselves and others. At the workshop, we will practice techniques for gathering female energy, with which we can ensure energy flow, control of our emotions and moods, sexual fulfillment...

Important information
Kalingerjeva 7, Ljubljana - Bežigrad
Facebook event
Entrance fee

The Magical Power of Women training is intended for women who are ready to put themselves first and who want to develop a responsible attitude towards themselves and others. At the workshop, we will implement techniques for collecting female energy, which can be used to ensure energy flow, control of our emotions and moods, sexual fulfillment and self-esteem.

TUESDAY, March 26, 2013, 5:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.
Kalingerjeva 7, Ljubljana - Bežigrad

The workshop is led by Natalija Pavlin, teacher of energy skills and author of the book Gajba krompirja - glimpses from the path of personal growth.

For the workshop you need comfortable clothes and a blanket to rest on.

More information
Natalija Pavlin, natalijapavlin@gmail.com or 031 30 45 69

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