
MAKfest auction with a concert by Jani Kovačič and young singer-songwriters

The Salonski group will open the event. The central event of the festival, where visiting bidders (Lucija Čirović, Rok Kušlar, Miha Brajnik,...) will bid on the winning photos of young photographers and three portraits of people who will be willing to pay the most, which will be made by Jože Suhadolnik,...

Important information
ŠKUC, Stari trg 21, , Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
do 20h 2 evra za vse; po 20h 4 evre dijaki, študenti, invalidi; 8 evrov ostali

Dogodek bo otvorila skupina Salonski. Osrednji dogodek festivala, na katerem bodo gostujoči licitatorji (Lucija Čirović, Rok Kušlar, Miha Brajnik,…) licitirali zmagovite fotografije mladih fotografov ter tri portrete oseb, ki bodo pripravljene plačati največ, ki jih bodo naredili Jože Suhadolnik, Borut Peterlin in Marko Lakovič. Licitaciji bo sledil koncert, kjer se bo Janiju Kovačiču na odru pridružil mladi kantavtor Jošt Zia Derlink. Dogodek bo vodil Jan Hrušovar.

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