
Little dictator

Don't miss the excellent comedy The Little Dictator, directed by Tijana Zinajić. A story that cannot be described because it is...

Important information
Šentjakob Theater Ljubljana, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
from 5 to 11 euros.

Don't miss it odlične komedije Little dictator, directed by Tijane Zinajić. Zgodbe, ki se je ne da opisati, ker jo je, preprosto potrebno videti.

Prepričajte se sami v   Tuesday, 29. marca at 19.30.

Kdo bo uničil neusmiljenega diktatorja Adenoida Hynkla, ki želi iz Tomanije pregnati Ljude in zavladati svetu? Oni se bojijo, pa vendar načrtujejo samomorilsko diverzijo. Jim bo uspelo? 

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