
Man Repeller – The new office of fashion blogger Lenadra Medina

Fashion blogger Lenadra Medine and her co-creators needed a larger office whose interior would reflect the trendy nature of their Man Repeller blog. To this end, she teamed up with Homepolish and together they created a space that encompasses all the elements of Leandra's trademark aesthetic.

Who does not know the blog Man Repeller and their humorous approach to fashion? The core of their success is definitely Leandra Medina, a fashion icon who captivated the world through her blog, wrote a book of the same name and developed it into a successful brand. Recently, she significantly expanded her team of colleagues and contacted the company with a desire for a new, larger office Homepolish.

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Their designer has masterfully transformed an empty, industrial space with high ceilings into a feminine, pleasant working environment that reflects the aesthetics of fashionable female employees. Fashion accessories, books and flowers are aesthetically arranged on the shelves, guests can sit comfortably on the sofa, and pleasant light enters the room through the windows. The conference table is surrounded by copper chairs cushioned with sheepskins, and graphics of New York restaurants hang above the minibar. The result is a truly perfect working environment for young trendsetters who will thus conquer the world even more easily!

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