
Soul Manipulator - If you don't recognize him in time, he will slowly destroy you!

"Never let someone become your priority while you are only an option for them." - Mark Twain

Soul manipulators are extremely sophisticated creatures that are difficult to recognize. They hide behind the contours of endless understanding, silent support and inspire you with their energy.

Most often you encounter them by accident, they slowly creep under your skin, so quietly that you don't even know when. They seem to you to represent the person you have been looking for for so long and are a key component of your life.

Let them get really close, you open up your most hidden corners to them and you feel like they have completed your soul. With them, you suddenly seem complete, understood and accepted. Feelings in the spectrum of the most beautiful colors awaken in you.

It seems to you that luck has finally found your door and knocked on it. You open them wide with a smile. The feeling of happiness is so special that you attach yourself to it with your whole being and find in it the fulfillment of the meaning of life. Everything else becomes secondary as you devote yourself completely to this wonderful feeling of pulsating uniqueness.

It fills you up, inspires you, improves you, and long suppressed feelings of confidence come to the surface. It creates wonderful new dimensions of love. You seem to be getting better, and with deep love, devotion, understanding and selfless support, you maintain and nurture this new dimension in your life. You have managed to find what you have been looking for for so long.

Soul manipulators are extremely sophisticated creatures that are difficult to recognize.

In the soul of the manipulator, this process takes place in a completely different way. He knows that subtle feminine energy and when he gets close enough to it, he connects with it. Everything seems so sincere and emotional.

It becomes a part of your being, occupies an important place in your life, and eventually you find it indispensable.

The manipulator slowly enters the world of your inner self and the greatest values that you have built, preserved, cultivated for so long. In them he finds sources of pure energy and love and nourishes his very being. You don't see their evil eyes. You give him even more of yourself in the hope of building a future together. You seem to feel fulfilled and found after long wanderings.

The manipulator knows that it is something else entirely, but he likes your unconditional giving and the energy that lifts him up and allows him to achieve his goals. He knows exactly how to direct the flow of energy to his own realization.

When you notice some symptoms of a manipulative process from time to time, you refuse to believe that it is true. You cover your eyes through different types of grief and forgiveness. You have no power to separate yourself from it because you have focused your energy on it. You think you can only exist with him. He drains you, and you give him more to keep this vital connection going. Of course, there are also seeming moments of happiness, excitement and some strange joy, but for which you pay too high a price.

The manipulator knows exactly how to stimulate those energies in you that feed him, and how to convince you that it is actually a part of the process that you yourself want. Notice the changes in yourself. You believe that this is good for us, because you need to grow, and the process of suffering is something that is absolutely necessary along the way.

Your energy flow has turned into a river that only leads to the manipulator. Distance yourself from close people, because other emotional connections have no chance to exist at all. The manipulator has made sure that he binds you so tightly to himself that everything else loses its meaning.

It's just a question of when the turning point comes. When?

  • when you realize that you are just a source of energy that someone uses for their own fulfillment and brings you nothing but an ever-present feeling of sadness;
  • when you get enough strength to cut all the threads that bind you to this addiction;
  • when the manipulator finds that he has received enough from you and continues to search for new sources of energy.

That moment will come sooner rather than later. You leave such a relationship wounded, but also with a new experience. You begin to look at yourself and your relationships from a somewhat different perspective. When such a relationship ends, you become free.

You need to recognize the subtle signs in the path you walk with the soul manipulator that indicate their true intentions and listen to what they have to tell us.

No matter how quiet that voice is, stop and listen to the silence.

You may not like what you hear, but it will definitely help you realize the truth, protect your inner self and energy.

The place where your soul resides is the most sacred place of your being. In order to love yourself, you have to respect that, that way others will respect who you are.

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