
Many things will become clear to you: 5 questions to ask the person with whom you are planning a serious relationship!

Photo: IG authenticlovepresets

"You know you're in love when you can't sleep, because reality is finally better than your dreams." - Dr. Seuss

Love can be wonderful, shiny, and soon you start thinking about some things that are out of touch with reality.

When you finally find that person with whom you can imagine your future, it is important to know the answers to the questions written below before taking the next important step. Building a serious relationship with someone is a wonderful but also challenging task.

If you're looking to take your relationship with someone to the next level, you might want to get answers to the following questions.

1. Will he have my back no matter what?

Life often puts us in front of various temptations, so it's important to know if the person you're planning your future with intends to be with you when things aren't perfect. If a person hesitates while answering this question, it means that he is not sure how he will behave in difficult situations. It may happen that she will run away.

2. What do you mean by the word "cheating"?

Cheating means different things to different people. While some people consider cheating through an intimate relationship with another person, for many the reason for the fight is just looking at a person of the opposite sex. To avoid arguments and misunderstandings, make sure you find out in time what your partner considers cheating.

3. What do you think about sincerity, is it necessary in a relationship?

Honesty is the most important thing in any relationship. Some people think that some things from the past are better kept to themselves than shared with their partner. Others believe that for a stable relationship it is important to tell everything, even at the cost of breaking up the relationship. Depending on your partner's reaction, you will know if he is hiding something from you or if he is completely open with you.

4. What does he want from the relationship?

If you want to take your relationship to the next level, you need to know if they have the same desires. If your plans for the future are different and you may want to focus on raising a family while the other person would prefer to focus more on their career and travel, it is important to know this before taking the next step.

5. Why did his/her previous relationship fail?

Talking about ex-partners is never easy. It often opens up long-healed wounds and puts you in an uncomfortable situation. However, if your partner has a visibly difficult time answering this question, it could mean that they still have feelings for their ex-partner and/or that they haven't let go of all their feelings for them - from themselves.

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