
Knowledge marathon "Let's learn to learn"

FREE WORKSHOP "LET'S LEARN" The student section of the Student Club of the Municipality of Celje (DS KŠOC) organizes an informal education MARATHON OF KNOWLEDGE for all students - "LET'S LEARN...

Important information
Celje Youth Center, Celje
Facebook event
Entrance fee
for free


The student section of the Student Club of the Municipality of Celje (DS KŠOC) organizes informal education for all students KNOWLEDGE MARATHON - "LET'S LEARN TO LEARN".

The one-day educational seminar will take place in Wednesday, April 3, 2013, in the hall of the Celje Youth Center. Lectures and workshops will be free for all participants.


8:00 a.m. – 10:15 a.m.: Effective learning
Lecturers: Lucia Klasinc and Mitja Černko (Association of Psychology Students Maribor)

10:45 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.: Relaxation and relaxation
Lecturer: Tine Kovačič, president of DJVVŽ Celje (Society of Yoga in Everyday Life Celje)

Due to the expected large number of participants, registrations for the one-day educational seminar are mandatory by email ds.ksoc@gmail.com until the first of April. Those interested can apply until vacancies are filled. All participants will also receive an official apology from the Student Club of the Municipality of Celje for missing class.

More information at ds.ksoc@gmail.com!

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