
Positive Psychology Marathon 2018: Learn to Run a Quality Marathon of Life

Positive Psychology Marathon 2018: Learn to Run a Quality Marathon of Life.

Didn't find the answer to the question 'what is a good life'? Then participation in the one-day marathon of positive psychology is mandatory. On October 13, for the third time in a row in Ljubljana, speakers will help participants find a way to a meaningful life.

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Marathon of positive psychology is a full-day fitness training in which participants can learn how to find meaning in life and to keep going even when you would rather stop and give up. Various speakers will share their knowledge on various topics related to the individual's life and try to show, how to run the marathon of life with quality and ease.

If you want to change something, you have to do something about it!
If you want to change something, you have to do something about it!

The lectures they offer they help participants answer the question: "What is a good life?" They will be in the center positive and bright sides of a person's personality. If you want to change something, you have to do something about it. Simple!

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More information:
marathon of positive psychology.si

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