
Marathon of Three Hearts 2017 – a running holiday in Radenci

Three Hearts Marathon 2017

Already training for the 2017 Three Hearts Marathon? Did you know that the running event in Radenci has the longest tradition in Slovenia and the whole of Southeastern Europe? Runners will once again flood Radence and its surroundings on May 20, 2017.

Important information
Spa settlement, Radenci
Facebook event
Entrance fee
28 €

Three Hearts Marathon 2017 will be held May 20, 2017, when there will be male and female runners in Radenci batted at 42- (marathon) and a 21-kilometer distance (half marathon), and now also on 10- (run Radenska Naturelle) and a 5-kilometer distance (Oasis run). You will also be able to take part in a 9-kilometer Nordic walk and a 10-kilometer Three Hearts hike. They are reserved for the youngest Squirrel and Heart Run.

READ MORE: Running event: Wings for Life World Run 2017 - running for a good cause

Reward for effort.
Reward for effort.

The marathon of three hearts is expanding like a balloon, the 36th in a row has also passed in the sign of excesses and both in terms of the number of participants and in terms of popularity. We believe the 37th will improve on those numbers.

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