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Despite the fact that the musical version of the cult film, which was created during Yugoslavia, premiered on Youth Day two years ago, it remains one of the most popular musicals in Serbia and abroad. Last year, he ranked among the biggest...

Important information
Kržanke, Trg francoske revolucije, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
from 44 to 59 euros

Despite the fact that the musical version of the cult film, which was created during Yugoslavia, premiered on Youth Day two years ago, it remains one of the most popular musicals in Serbia and abroad. Last year, he took part in the biggest Serbian theater festival Sterijino pozorje, this year he is conquering abroad. It is not difficult to enumerate the facts why the revival of Dušan Kovačević's film on the stage became an overnight hit, as the story, which combines great humor with artistic perfection, brings together around one hundred and fifty creators who have provided a true Serbian spectacle. The very text of the story, which presents five male descendants of the Topalović family, five different generations of undertakers, hides an incredible potential for laughter; after the film in the 1980s, some curses and proverbs became part of everyday speech, which the creators of the Terezija Theater upgraded with dance, music and costume design, for which they won ten awards at the comedy days in Jagodina.


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