
Market junk

The World Festival of Tržič bržol is still very young among festivals, as it is only taking place this year for the second time, but it is that much tastier. On it, we can meet local and foreign groups who will compete in cooking...

Important information
Atrium of the market, Trg svobode, Tržič
Facebook event
Entrance fee

The World Festival of Tržič bržol is still very young among festivals, as it is only taking place this year for the second time, but it is that much tastier. We can meet there with domestic and foreign groups that will compete in cooking market bržols. The organizers promise that there will be plenty of them. On this day, in the whole of Tržič, it will be possible to see other craftsmen and the presentation of their skills, but we can also attend an antiques fair or a free guided tour of the city's cultural attractions.


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