
Markolo: unique bikes and refined Slovenian design

Markolo unique bicycles are the work of designer Marko Marovt, who assembled his first bicycle at the age of 7.

Markolo in the flood of cheap bikes and mass production it blows like a fresh wind. Wheel designer Marko Marovt, who assembled his first bicycle at the tender age of 7, returns to the authentic old design in the design of bicycles, to which we are bound by a pleasant nostalgia. Markolo bikes they are characterized by the extraordinary refinement and quality of the old school, as the designer uses old steel frames, mainly Italian or German production, to breathe new life into them. Each bike is personalized and precisely assembled for the needs of the user. What makes them special are their details, such as handmade wooden lamps, integrated LED lamps, special frame treatments or wooden rings.

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