We have all encountered a slingshot at least once in our lives. If not professionally, then improvised. Chris Douggs McDougall and Jimmy Pouchert took the slingshot game to a whole new level. With a bulky human slingshot or with a catapult, they launched themselves 100 meters into the air. Where else but in Dubai! You can find out how they landed below.
Just in Dubai! A bold clip comes from Dubai skydivers and BASE jumpers Chris Douggs McDougall and Jimmy Pouchert, who were with Gromozanski human catapult in the form of a slingshot launched high into the air and used to land parachute.
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It is a new format extreme sports?
A slingshot catapults a person with such force that he it accelerates from 0 to 200 km/h in a single second, which "inflames" him with the power of 6Gs! It's basically a BASE jump without jumping, where there is not an iota of room for error.