Four talented illusionists, led by the charismatic Atlas, stage two infamous magic shows with a series of daring and original illusionistic tricks with advanced technical aids, where they first captivate the audience in Las Vegas with a remote bank robbery in Paris, and then expose...
Four talented illusionists, led by the charismatic Atlas, stage two infamous magic shows with a series of daring and original illusionistic tricks with advanced technical aids, where they first mesmerize the audience in Las Vegas with a remote bank robbery in Paris, and then expose the economic criminal and his millions are poured into the bank accounts of audience members. The FBI and Interpol begin working to figure out their next move. The case is thus entrusted to FBI special agent Hobbs, who is forced to work with Interpol agent Alma, and for help he also turns to Thaddeus, who is famous for being a master at exposing magic tricks.