
Mathematics of love: use this formula to calculate when you will meet the right one

Mathematics will finally come in handy: use this formula to calculate when you will meet the right partner

If you are approaching the age of 35 and have not yet managed to find a life partner, you can try your luck with this mathematical formula.

Mathematician Hannah Fry she is sure she can you can find your perfect partner with the help of a mathematical formula. Are you wondering how?

People look at relationships in different ways - like this 34 % people to the beloved first they give a kiss, only then are they ready for him give your hand. Such and similar behavioral patterns enable mathematicians to develop formulas, that help you find your soul mate. They work on the basis of theory "optimal stopping", which tells us when it's the right time to take your relationship to the next level.

Assuming you start dating at 15 years and want to get married at 35 years old, mathematics says that in the first 37 % you will not find a long-term partner this life period. The person who shows up right after this, so be it the right one. In other words, this means that you should not have to search for a suitable candidate before the age of 22.

Of course, this method also has shortcomings, because it may happen that you will meet the love of your life earlier, but if you follow the math, you will obviously have to reject her.

Fry claims that there are many ways to analyze your partner's personality. One of these is accuracy – people who come on a date at the right time, usually turn out to be pleasant. It should apply to them, yes they think of others and they follow the outlined path. Those who show up at the agreed place prematurely, they are supposed to be neurotic, should at the same time understand your emotions better.

They also reveal many answers regarding the individual's personality shoes. People who rely on comfortable footwear, they are supposed to be optimistic and ready to help. The ones that are close to their heart ankle boots, should be afraid of change and showed signs of aggression.

You should find your dream partner after the age of 22.
You should find your dream partner after the age of 22.

Hannah Fry finally, he adds that if you are looking for love on the Internet, don't post your best photos on dating sites. It may sound a little strange, but mathematics has come to the conclusion that attractive photos 'scare' many users and thus discourage them from establishing contact. People who they do not hide their mistakes from the world, should enjoy greater popularity on such sites.

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