
Matjaž Očko and wedding photography

Matjaž says that his photographic talent was not born in his cradle. His love for photography can rather be attributed to his interest in the operation of the camera, how the aperture works, how the background is blurred and what effect the shutter, ISO, etc. have on this. At first there was not an iota of the artist in him; this side slowly started to develop later. The course was natural, organic. You don't become an artist overnight.

He says that he is not an artist, but that he only deals with art. More emphasis these days gives to the story, and there is only one guiding principle at work: aesthetics. He looks for aesthetics and beauty in every frame, whether it be with portraiture, to the act, wedding photos or a technical recording of an object. He wants to capture perfection with his camera. I understand he avoids montages on the computer, but it also means less of a challenge for him as a photographer.

Matjaž Očko and wedding photography
Matjaž Očko and wedding photography

It combines in wedding photography reportage, portrait and fashion photography – here all his knowledge, experience and aesthetics come to the surface. Don't overdo it with wedding photography trends; the visual images alone are enough to "carry" him into a certain style. People know quite well what they want and what they expect from a photographer on their wedding day. But it is true that modern brides absolutely know each other the influence of Instagram and Pinterest.

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Matjaž Očko and wedding photography
Matjaž Očko and wedding photography

So how do you choose the right wedding photographer? It is important that it is a photographer true to himself and doesn't conform too much to some guidelines that will change next season anyway. The photo should be as classic as possible, eternal. The photographer's style, aesthetics and his attitude to work are important - he must have the same concept of beauty as the couple, and it is more than desirable that he also captures the character. Posing is so much more easy and unforced.

Check out the wedding masterpieces of photographer Matjaž Oček in the photo gallery.

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