
MATRIX Powerwatch 2: a smartwatch powered by the sun and body heat

MATRIX Powerwatch 2: A smartwatch powered by the sun and body heat.

On the INDIEGOGO page, money is being collected for the second generation of the MATRIX Powerwatch 2 smart watch, which surprised with its innovative power supply - the conversion of body heat into electric current.

The benefit of a smart watch MATRIX Powerwatch X is that it is no need to charge, as the clock is capable of converting body heat into energy with heat generators. She will also retain this ability the Powerwatch 2 smartwatch, except that it will provide her with additional energy solar cell.

In comparison with last year's model it will be an hour narrower and with a diameter of 47 millimeters will be more suitable for people with a narrower wrist.

MATRIX PowerWatch 2 will also be suitable for people with smaller wrists.
MATRIX PowerWatch 2 will also be suitable for people with smaller wrists.

Logging of activities will be upgraded with optical meters and satellite navigation receivers, and the watch will be resistant to depth 200 meters. MATRIX Powerwatch 2 will be compatible with smartphones with the system Android or iOS, and it is expected to be available in the summer.

MATRIX Powerwatch 2 will be compatible with smartphones.
MATRIX Powerwatch 2 will be compatible with smartphones.

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