
Matrix Powerwatch - a smartwatch powered by calories burned

The Matrix Powerwatch, a smartwatch powered by calories burned, is a new product that finally transcends the inconveniences of other smartwatches. These have an extremely short battery life, as a result of which the market loses a large share of otherwise potential buyers. The Matrix Powerwatch is a watch that never needs charging – it uses human heat to generate energy. In addition to the fact that its hypothetical battery never runs out, it also has a built-in special biometer that allows the user to see the number of calories burned at the expense of charging the battery.

Smart watches are becoming more and more an indispensable accessory in the life of an individual. But regardless of how efficiently they perform their various functions, they are problematic in terms of battery life – most smart watches need batteries daily charging, which for many is already a big enough argument why a smart watch is not worth it. A solution is coming to the market: Matrix Powerwatch, a smartwatch powered by calories burned, is a unique product that it uses human heat to charge the battery.

The Matrix Powerwatch is powered by human heat
The Matrix Powerwatch is powered by human heat.

In addition to charging the Powerwatch smartwatch with when worn on the wrist, and this ingenious product to you calculates how much energy you have generated and how many calories you have consumed. In addition to the innovative charging method, the Powerwatch also has other outstanding features: you can connect it wirelessly to your phone, automatically adjusts the time zone, in which you are located, but it is also possible replace the dial. The data is stored for a period of one year. When you put the watch down, it automatically goes to sleep, but when you put it back on, it does it reactivates itself in a few seconds.

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This smartwatch will be available for purchase in 2017
This smartwatch will be available for purchase in 2017.

The Matrix Powerwatch is a revolutionary product, whose usefulness extends outside the smartwatch categories. A new charging method that harnesses the ever-available human heat has enormous potential to improve countless technologies, which we use in everyday life. The creators are planning the launch of the Matrix Powerwatch smart watch already in the next year.

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