
Maxi After Work Party – shoes & cocktail

As part of City Events, the Maxi store and City Magazine organized the first event of the year with the signature Maxi After Work Party - shoes & cocktail, which took place on Wednesday, October 12, in the renovated restaurant Romansa 1971. After a busy working day, we were able to go to relaxing in a renovated restaurant...

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As part of City Events, the Maxi store and City Magazine organized the first event of the year with the signature Maxi After Work Party - shoes & cocktail, which took place on Wednesday, October 12, in the renovated restaurant Romansa 1971. After a busy working day, we were able to go to relaxation in the renovated restaurant Romansa 1971. There, coupons were waiting for us, with which we could buy shoes at reduced prices and drink cocktails at a promotional price. From 17:00 to 18:00 we were treated to a welcome drink and delicious canapés. Since shopping is more fun with good music, RDYO DJs provided the music beats. After a long day, all the ladies were invited to the Estee Lauder corner, to refresh their make-up with a mini gift.

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