
May Day Germany invites #2

Jazz Festival in Dresden

The holiday country of Germany dedicated the year 2015 to rich German traditions and customs, which are a large and very important part of its tourist offer. Culinary customs and recipes that have been preserved from generation to generation, colorful folk festivals and fairs, exceptional handcraft skills and revolutionary German inventions - the German tradition is truly rich, diverse and unique.

In the second part of the continuation, we present you the remaining events and festivals for your unforgettable upcoming May Day break in the holiday country of Germany.

The biggest port party in Hamburg

On his 826th birthday of the port of Hamburg, the second largest port in Europe, will from 8 to 10 May 2015 held in the city a traditional port festival. The unique folk festival in the Hanseatic town along the Elbe attracts every year more than a million visitors and is undoubtedly one of the most popular events of the northern German city, which is also known as the city with the most bridges in the world. Enjoy the unique harbor scenery, admire the rich shipping fleet, taste delicious seafood specialties and take a walk along the coast at a magical sunset.
More information: www.germany.travel

Hamburg - the second largest port in Europe
Hamburg - the second largest port in Europe

Blue Night in Nuremberg

At the beginning of May, Nuremberg, a picturesque medieval town in Bavaria known above all for its wonderful Christmas market and delicious Nuremberg roasts and gingerbread, will once again shine in blue. To the traditional Blue Night May 2, 2015 city museums, theaters and many other cultural institutions will open their doors to visitors. Art and light installations in colorful shades will delight you on the streets, and there will also be no shortage of great musical treats and cultural events.
More information: www.germany.travel

READ MORE: May Day Germany invites #1

Blue Night in Nuremberg
Blue Night in Nuremberg

Spring festival in the Bavarian capital

Festival "Frühlingsfest" in Munich is a smaller version of the world famous Oktoberfest, the biggest beer festival in the world. Visit Munich on May Day, which is especially attractive at this time, walk along the famous Theresienwiese street, where the festival will take place, and experience the true Bavarian atmosphere. With an excellent program, traditional Bavarian cuisine, colorful carousels, richly lined stalls, a hippodrome and a large bolsjak, the spring festival will provide a fun break in the spirit of German tradition. This year's Frühlingsfest will be held atd April 17 until May 3, 2015.
More information: www.germany.travel

"Frühlingsfest" festival in Munich
The "Frühlingsfest" festival in Munich

Dixieland Jazz Festival in Dresden

The international Dixieland Jazz Festival in Dresden, which is also called "Florence on the Elbe" because of its architectural gems, attracts thousands of music lovers to the Saxon capital every year. Multi-day jazz music festival will once again provide excellent dixieland rhythms, energetic performances by renowned domestic and foreign artists and a great musical atmosphere. This year you will be able to sway your hips in between May 10 and 17, 2015.
More information: www.germany.travel

Jazz Festival in Dresden
Jazz Festival in Dresden

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