
Mazda Vision Coupe: Mazda's latest concept

Mazda Vision Coupe: Mazda's latest concept

Mazda's Vision Coupe could be briefly described as a minimalist Japanese aesthetic. Judging by another concept that has the lines of a grand tourer, we could say that Mazda wants to make a car of just this type, and it has been since 2015, when the RX Vision concept was first presented to us.

Mazda Vision Coupe should drive brand new engine, which, according to Mazda, works in conjunction with electrical elements, which certainly indicates the use of hybrid technology, which would further help to increase performance. The concept is formed in the spirit of the Kodo philosophy, which in translation means the soul of the movement. This means that the lines are designed in such a way that even at rest the car acts as if it is moving and that it is in operation.

The interior illustrates the concept of Ma, which is found in Japanese architecture and literally means space or empty space. Whether we'll ever actually see such a formidable Mazda on the road is hard to say, but if it does happen, then it's sure to be one of the most beautiful cars, which we will be able to admire on our roads.

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