
Apple: The meaning of the letter 'i' in the name of Apple products

The meaning of the letter 'i' in Apple products

Apple and the letter 'i' have been inseparable for two decades. Have you always wondered what the meaning of the letter 'i' in the name of Apple products is? This letter first appeared in 1998, when Steve Jobs introduced a new generation of iMac personal computers. Find out what it means below.

Ever wondered what he's like? the meaning of the letter 'i' in the name of Apple products? When Steve Jobs years 1998 introduced a personal computer to the public for the first time iMac, explained that the word symbolizes internet. Namely, the iMac offered the user a simple and fast use of the Internet, which at the time was still in its infancy and far from self-evident.

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The letter 'i' began to lose its original meaning over time, so it is Steve Jobs added other meanings: information, individual, instruct, inform and inspire. The 'i' as the Internet experienced its second spring with the advent of the smartphone iPhone in 2007, when the letter regained its original meaning. Today, the letter is losing its meaning again and no longer has real validity, so Apple is slowly abandoning it. Apple Watch and Apple TV are beautiful examples where the 'i' in an Apple product is just a memory of some other time when there was no internet public good.

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