
Meet Maxdonn, the dog who recreates Madonna's stage costumes and album covers

Meet Maxdon, the dog who recreates Madonna's stage costumes and album covers.

The 'Queen of Pop' in a slightly different guise is the brainchild of a French fashion photographer whose dog enjoys the limelight.

Vincent Flouret, a French fashion photographer from Paris, recently embarked on a slightly different project – he started photographing the pet after it was performed voluntary work at a dog shelter for three years. Instead of high fashion models taking photos of her dog Max dressed in Madonna's stage costumes.

In the project entitled 'Maxdonna' recreates Madonna iconic performances and album covers so that in particular dress up your dog in sewn costumes.

In addition to the iconic image of 'the queen of pop' the project also has a charitable nature, since they all funds collected from the sale of photos go to Madonna's charity Madonna's charity Raising Malawi, within which they try ito improve the lives of at-risk children in Malawi. See the iconic photos of Max in the image gallery.

Image gallery - 'Maxdonnna'

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