
Meet droPrinter - the smallest portable printer for smartphones

Portable printer for smartphones

DroPrinter is the smallest portable smartphone printer that has raised enough funds on Kickstarter to make it a reality. The portable printer is designed so that we can use it to print anything, be it a photo, a sketch, a message...

DroPrinter is exclusively developed for smartphones and enables mobile photo printing, drawings and records. The compact device is simple and designed to easily adapt to ours pockets, bags and purses. Printer droPrinter it is extremely portable and does not require ink to print as it prints on thermal paper.

The process of this type of printing unfolds in such a way that the thermal print head forms an imprint on a special, heat sensitive paper, by heating individual heating elements in the head. When the print head or the element in it heats up, the paper that is currently in contact with this element also heats up. At the same time, the thermal coating of the paper changes color and thus creates a print. Any printer droPrinter, which is the smallest smartphone typewriter, contains a 26-foot roll of thermal paper and is perfect for anyone who never has a pen and paper with them.

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