
Learn about cat talk: Why do cats put their paws on their owner's face?

Photo: envato

Is your cat stroking your face with its paw? Does she put her paw on your chin when you pick her up? Just what is going on in the head of the mischievous furry? What does he want to tell you?

Cats show their love and needs through their behavior. They use it to send you certain messages in different ways.

Whether it's out of love or seeking attention, your pet is trying to communicate with you in this way. Sometimes it might just bother you, but for a cat it's pure love.

Here are six reasons why a cat often puts its paws on your face. Before you know it, we're letting you in on a secret, when your cat puts a paw on your face, it means yes she considers you her territory - you are her home.

1. He loves you

Just like you, your kitty will express her love by touching your face. Such behavior is usually accompanied by loud purring. If your cat's eyes are half-closed when he's sitting on your lap, it means he's in heaven. She'll try to pass on some of that good vibes to you by stretching her paws toward your face.

He wants to be a part of your day. Photo: Alvan Nee / Unsplash

2. Mark you

A cat's paws are full of olfactory glands. In the wild, cats will mark their territory by rubbing against trees and scratching surfaces. When your pet puts its paws on your face, it means that it claims you as its territory. This behavior is more common in multi-pet households where the cat feels a greater need to have you to herself.

3. He wants to eat

You should never ignore a hungry cat. If she is hungry early in the morning, she will meow loudly to get you out of bed. If this tactic fails, she may resort to waking you up by pawing your face. So that she does not wake you up in the morning, make sure that there is always enough food in her bowl.

4. It needs space

If you spend a lot of time with your cat, you may want to pet her often. However, these feelings may not be mutual at times. If your cat puts its paws on your face, it may be trying to push you away.

You are her love. Photo: Yerlin Matu / Unsplash

5. He wants to get close to you

In the wild, cats will groom each other to bond. If you caress her, she may want to return the favor and deepen her connection with you. The cat will cuddle you by touching your face with its paws. He may also lick or bite you to show you his affection and love.

6. He wants to play

If the cat is bored, it can encourage you to play by touching you with its paw. If he then runs away, this is a sign that he wants to play. Provide your cat with enough stimulation and activity with interesting toys.

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