

Director: Tom McGrath. Starring: Brad Pitt, Will Farrell, Tina Fey, Jonah Hill, Justin Long, David Cross, Aramis Knight, Bill Hader, Amy Poehler. The film presents a magnificent duel between good and evil, fought since youth by the noble Metroman and the sinister Megamind . After an endless number of defeats...

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Director: Tom McGrath.
Cast: Brad Pitt, Will Farrell, Tina Fey, Jonah Hill, Justin Long, David Cross, Aramis Knight, Bill Hader, Amy Poehler.

The film presents a magnificent duel between good and evil, fought since youth by the noble Metroman and the sinister Megamind. After an endless number of defeats, Megaum finally manages to trap and destroy his mortal enemy. But without a real adversary, Megaum's life no longer has any real meaning, so the eccentric villain decides to create a new superhero, which, as is his old habit, results in utter disaster and chaos.

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